Thursday, May 9, 2013


You can't help but feel things are looking up once spring and summer start coming. So why don't we make this a happy post?

Now i'm not necessarily saying i'm perfectly happy, because guess what? I still don't have it all together.

But we are going to be happy anyway! happiness.

One way to be happy is to watch happy videos. For some reason this one cheers me up a lot.

Here's another! A little less silly happy, but this will make you happy with yourself.

Now that you've seen good feeling videos here are some things to do to cheer yourself up!

An (almost) guaranteed list of things to do to make you happier than you are.
1. Going to any temple. Even if you don't go inside, walk around it.
2. Go on a drive. Either by yourself or with a good listening partner.
3. Nature. Go on a hike, walk around a park.
4. Reading scriptures.
5. Exercising
6. Talking. Either to yourself out loud or to your great listening partner. Just talk and talk and talk.
7. Working.

I know the last one is hard to believe, but if you are at a job your busy and have your mind off whatever is bothering you. And you may be stressed but at least your other problems are gone for just a bit.

Now you know all of this!
Go out and do!
Go be happy, even if your miserable and can't stop crying...go cry in nature!
Maybe you'll turn out to be friends with all the little animals like snow white!
Good luck!

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